Texas Pride Impact Funds acts as a catalyst for generosity, connecting people who have the resources and the desire to make a difference with the organizations that have the expertise to address a variety of challenges. We bring together a wide range of community stakeholders intent on creating positive change for the LGBTQ+ communities of Texas.

Legacy Society Members

These individuals and families have included Texas Pride Impact Funds and the agencies we serve in their estate plan or will. Because of their generosity, Texas Pride Impact Funds is positioned to make a considerable future impact on LGBTQ+ causes and concerns.

Bob Burress & Tom Seymour
David W. Carlson
Bruce Chemel
Doug Frankel & Greg Hagopian

Gregory E. Grosh
Ron Guillard & Bill Brosius
Chris Hendrix & David Fessenden
Judy Sherman & Cindy Vinzant
Shelly Skeen & Cece Cox

Steve Smith
Stephen Tosha & Stephen Strecansky
Rev. Roger W Wedell, Ph.D.
Tanner Williams
Michael Veale

Institutional and Corporate Funders

Corporate Sponsors

Families and Individual Donors

Pride Donors
Rick Adams
Eric Alva & Danny Ingram*
Nan Faith Arnold & Linda Wiland
Steve Atkinson & Ted Kincaid*
Katie Baker Barnes
Eric Batten*
James Berglund
Rawle Biffnah*
Kyra K. Blankenship, PC
Steven Boren
Phil Boustani & Ted Schweitzer
Carole Braden
Bob Burress & Tom Seymour*
Theresa Byrd
Ann Caldwell
Jeff Chapman
Bruce Chemel*
Patrick Cochrane, in memory of Jane Cochrane
Ron Coffey
Michael Collins
Cece Cox & Shelly Skeen*
C. Daryl Curry
Rick Dickson & Luis Morales Lopez*
Charlene Dique*
Lane Folsom & Ann Kearney
Randall Gentry*
Mandy Goff & Monica Luster
Brett Gray & Kindred Roach*
Judye Gremm
Christopher Hamilton
Ashton Hammer
Brenda Haney & Meegan Honeyman
Chris Hendrix & David Fessenden
James Holobaugh*
Shay Hoppe*
Charlie Huynh & Kennedy Loftin
Julie Johnson & Susan Moster*
Mikey Johnson & Chad Miller*
Michael Kaufman & Durward Watson*
Wendy Krispin
Gabriel Leon
Mitzi Lemons & Dr. Sarah Hardy
Steve Lopez

*    First Hundred Funder recognition

Pride Donors
Thom Maciula & C. Fish Greenfield
Charles Marlett*
Lisa Madry*
John Masselli & Archie Pitsilides
Deborah McMurray & Glen Davison*
Derek Mergele-Rust
Andy Miller & Brian Stephens
Nancy Moreland & Lisa Boule
Nando Moreno
Steve Neumann
Alfredo Olvera
Jay Oppenheimer & Todd King*
Jimmy O'Reilly & Steven Pounders*
Paul Pare & Edson Pinto
Jesse Peirce
Tom Phipps & Rick Aishman
Roger J. Poindexter, Jr.*
Keith Pomykal
Fiona Prabhu
Gregory Pynes & Dennis Coleman
Carlo Ramirez & Marco del Val
Jerianne Ranieri
Ron Redder
Barry Ringland*
Antonio Rodriguez
Carolyn Roney*
Rocky Roguemore
Steve & Lisa Rudner*
Charlie and Holly Russell
Gary Schumann & Noel Landuyt
Dawn Sechrist
Matt Smith
David Sassano & Don Tapani
Cathi Scalise & Denise Costello*
Shawn D. Terry
David Thompson*
Gregg Uriegas*
Paul Valdez & Andy Steingasser
Keith & Susan Webster*
Rev. Roger W. Wedell, Ph.D.*
Kay Wilkinson*
Carol Williams & Anne Marcum
Mary E. Witherow & Susan Schneider
Peter Zielke*
Jeff Zimmerman*

Major Donors
Elizabeth Babin & Jeff Carlson*
Kelly Bennett
Deiadra Burns & Amanda Minkler*
Tripp Carter*
The Clements Group at Morgan Stanley*
Julie Coffman*
Marla Custard & Karen McCrocklin
Bob Dailey
Glenn Dickson
Stephen Elison & Richard Brown*
Jaime Estes*
Ky Fiser*
Jay Galea & Kirsten Cook
Vance Louis Hines*
Bryan Hlavinka & David J. Theisen*
Ed Holmstrom
Eric Johnson & Dr. Mark Parker*
Chris Kouvelis, Jr.*
Mark LeDoux & Bryan Carr
Enrique MacGregor & Mark Niermann*
Gordon Markey & Russell Buescher
H. Joe Nelson, III*
Dee Pennington & Lisa Robertson
Kathleen Post & Margaret Rodriquez*
Scot Presley & Steven Rayl
Jody Randall & Michele Sumner
Wally Ropchan
Nicholas Ruiz
Danny Scott & Gary Chitwood
Paul E. Scott & Scott Simons*
Judy Sherman & Cindy Vinzant*
Vicki L. Smith*
Southern Black Policy & Advocacy Network
Brandon Talafuse
Kay Van Way & Stephanie Simmons
Rudy Villarreal & Eddie Domingue

Lead, Visionary & Impact Donors
David W. Carlson*
The Gregory E. Grosh Charitable Remainder Trust*
Paula Walker
Lew Aldridge & Billy Brown
Scott Boyette*
The Calderon/Mosser Family
Patrick Cochran & Anton Avenceña
Michael & Dyan Colby
Doug Dorey & Bob Goldberg
Michael & Julie Fox*
Doug Frankel & Greg Hagopian
Ron Guillard & Bill Brosius*
Kelli Herd & Kim Deneau
Greg Hawthorne*
Richard Holt & Mark McMasters*
Jim Jones & Scott Kahle
Jim Lommori
Micheal W. McAdams & Eric Paulsen
Linda G. Moore & Laurie Foley*
Connie Moorer & Wendy Lopez
Anna Sanchez & Katrina Pruitt
Ray Scott
Michael Veale*
Jessica A. Sheridan & Sallye A. Wilton*
Philip Wier

Rainbow Donors

Our Rainbow Donor program recognizes donors at various levels beginning at 12 months of sustained monthly or annual support.

Peng-Jen Chen
Matthew Cole
Tricia Earl, 12+ months
Robert Emery
Russell Etherton

Jesse Garcia, 36+ months
Charlie Huynh
Januari Leo, 12 months
Jon Vogel

First Hundred Funders

The following individuals, families and organizations have been instrumental in launching Texas Pride Impact Funds as the LGBTQ+ community foundation of Texas. Through their support of TPIF’s first fundraising campaign, “First Hundred Funders," we began our annual Community Grants Program and have been able to respond with Emergency Funds.

Major, Lead, Visionary & Impact Level Donors

Funders for LGBTQ Issues
David W. Carlson & Steve Smith
Ron Guillard & Bill Brosius
The Gregory E. Grosh Charitable Remainder Trust
Michael & Julie Fox
Scott Boyette
Vance Louis Hines
Bryan Hlavinka & David J. Theisen
Richard Holt & Mark McMasters
Ken Sullivan & Tom James

First Hundred Funders

Eric Alva & Danny Ingram
Sandy & Bob Anderson
Jay Andrew & Parker Witt
Steve Atkinson & Ted Kincaid
Elizabeth Babin & Jeffrey Carlson
Eric Batten
Taryn Beaudoin
Dr. Ruth Berggren & Dr. Tyler Curiel
Rawle Biffnah
Renee Block
Chree Boydstun

First Hundred Funders

Carole Braden
Bob Burress & Tom Seymour
Deiadra Burns & Amanda Minkler
Katy Caldwell
Tripp Carter
Bruce Chemel
The Clements Group at Morgan Stanley
Nora & Mark Cloud
Julie Coffman
Serena & Tom Connelly
Cece Cox & Shelly Skeen
James & Alex Deets
Rick Dickson & Luis Morales Lopez
Charlene Dique
Maddy Dwertman & Lacretia Gibson
Stephen Elison & Richard Brown
Robert Emery
Jaime Estes
Patricia & Kenneth Eubanks
Exigo Office Inc.
Ky Fiser
Rafiq Salleh-Flowers & Cannon Flowers
Laura B. Freeman & Allison Thigpen
Michael Freeman
Robert Gallegos
Brett Gray & Kindred Roach

First Hundred Funders

Randall Gentry
Stephen Gilhooly
Bill Goodman
Greg Hawthorne
Mike Holloman
James Holobaugh
Shay Hoppe
Carol Carnes Johnson
Eric Johnson & Dr. Mark Parker
Julie Johnson & Susan Moster
Mikey Johnson & Chad Miller
Michael Kaufman & Durward Watson
Shelley Kennedy & Debra Denny
Tim Kollatschny & Stephen Goldberg
Mark Kosiara
Chris Kouvelis, Jr.
David LaDuke & Gary Hammett
Kevin Laudadio & Curtis Chastain
Mercedes Leal & Tammi Wallace
Jani C. Lopez
Lisa Madry
Charles Marlett
Deborah McMurray & Glen Davison
Linda G. Moore & Laurie Foley
H. Joe Nelson, III
Mark Niermann & Enrique MacGregor

First Hundred Funders

Jimmy O'Reilly & Steven Pounders
Jay W. Oppenheimer
Hon. Annise D. Parker
Roger J. Poindexter, Jr.
Kathleen Post & Margaret Rodriquez
Jason Reed & Mike Ahart
Barry Ringland
Carolyn Roney
Steve & Lisa Rudner
Cathi Scalise & Denise Costello
Paul E. Scott & Scott Simons
Jessica A. Sheridan & Sallye A. Wilton
Judy Sherman & Cindy Vinzant
Vicki Smith
David Thompson
Travis Torrence & Heath LaPray
Gregg Uriegas & Shawn Guan
Michael Veale
Roberta Villaverde & Melissa Kohn
Steven Wagner
Keith & Susan Webster
Rev. Roger W. Wedell, Ph.D.
Richard Werner & Tony Bravo
Kay Wilkinson
Jeff Zimmerman
Brit Zindel